Dr. Josh Chen

Dr. Josh Chen
Dr. Josh Chen
Assistant Professor,
Human Services

Meet Dr. Josh Chen

In a previous phase of life, I was a pastor in the inner city of Philadelphia who lived among, worked alongside, and befriended people from across the racial, generational, and socioeconomic spectrum.

Playing devil’s advocate to challenge unspoken assumptions, foster collaborative learning, and promote constructive dialogue about controversial but consequential topics.

WHEN NOT IN THE CLASSROOM, CAN OFTEN BE FOUND:  Co-parenting my amazing six and two year old girls.

“What does it mean that human beings are social animals? People are born into a world that pre-exists them and shapes them from the moment they are born. There is no outside of society.”

Examples of classes taught by Josh Yin Pei Chen:

  • Principles of Sociology
  • Race and Ethnic Relations
  • Immigration
  • Social Problems
  • Deviance
  • Sociology of Medicine
  • B.A./University of Michigan
  • M.Div./Westminster Theological Seminary
  • M.A./University of Virginia
  • Ph.D./University of Virginia


Chen, Josh. Forthcoming. “How Social Structures are More Than Collections of Individuals: Residential Segregation, Structural Racism, and Sociology’s Contribution to Catholic Social Thought.”

Chen, Josh. 2023. “Catholic Teaching Has a Hard Time Explaining How Racial Injustice is Perpetuated by Non-Racists. Here is Why.” Church Life Journal. (https://churchlifejournal.nd.edu/articles/why-does-catholic-teaching-have-a-hard-time-explaining-how-racial-injustice-is-perpetuated-by-non-racists/)

Racialization in Organizations
Structural Racism
Racial Integration
Social Justice
Social Theory
Urban Inequality
Culture and Morality
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

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