Precautionary Measures
The College makes every effort to ensure that campus facilities, buildings, and grounds are designed and maintained in such a way as to promote safety and reduce criminal opportunity. Particular attention is paid to the design of landscaping, grounds-keeping, and exterior lighting.
The Campus Police and Safety Department will make every effort to keep the community safe, but in the end, your actions can determine whether or not you are the victim of a crime. If you observe unsafe conditions be sure to contact Campus Police and Safety or the Student Life Office as soon as possible.
DON’T WALK ALONE. The Campus Police and Safety Department provides escorts 24 hours a day year-round. To request an escort dial 704-461-6200. Even though escorts are a priority, be sure to give the officer a phone number so he/she can notify you in case there is an emergency that might delay his/her response.
Safety Tips for Residence Halls and Apartments
Keep all doors and windows locked when you are out of your room or when asleep.
Do not remove screens from your windows.
If you observe a stranger walking around in the breezeways without an escort or lingering around outside, call the Campus Police and Safety Department immediately.
Never attach identification information to your key ring.
If you lose your room key or building key notify the Residence Life Office immediately.
Do not block open fire, entrance, or stairwell doors.
Never loan your hall or room keys to anyone.
Be familiar with all emergency procedures and fire exits.
If you return to your room and notice that it has been broken into, do not go into the room. Notify the Campus Police and Safety Department immediately.
Solicitors are not permitted on campus without approval. If one comes to your door, contact the Campus Police and Safety Department at once.
Never leave anything in the hallways or breezeways unattended. It only takes a few seconds for a thief to steal your possessions.
Keep your shades closed when dressing or sleeping.
Precautionary Measures
Don’t walk alone. Call for an escort.
If you observe or hear anything peculiar contact the Campus Police and Safety Department immediately.
If you observe a strange vehicle on campus write down the description of the vehicle and its license plate number. Contact the Campus Police and Safety Department immediately.
Avoid remaining in a building alone. If you realize that everyone else has left the building, call a friend to keep you company.
If you are being harassed by anyone on campus get to a phone and contact the Campus Police and Safety Department .
When walking at night stay in well-lit areas.
When walking off campus always walk with a friend.
Never walk off-campus after dark.
The use of the athletic fields after dark is prohibited.
When walking to your vehicle or hall have your keys in hand.