Minor in Actuarial Science
In this minor, you’ll learn how to analyze data and assess risk for companies, organizations, and industries. The course of study will hone your skills in probability, statistics, and finance, so you can engage business issues facing the world today and promote the common good as a responsible citizen. Supplementing a major with this minor is a good way for you to pursue graduate study or a career anchored in mathematics.
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Course Requirements:
MA 208: Statistics
MA 311: Linear Algebra
EC 201: Introductory Economics I
EC 202: Introductory Economics II
Any one of:
MA 305: Advanced Statistics
MA 321: Differential Equations
MA 350: Probability
Any one of:
BU 310: Finance
BU 311: Financial Management
EC 317: Intermediate Microeconomics
The preponderance of these courses must be taken at Belmont Abbey College.