

Rotaract Food and Clothing Drive

Belmont Abbey College Campus 100 Belmont-Mt. Holly Road, Belmont

The Belmont Abbey College Rotaract Club is partnering with the Gastonia Street Ministry for a food and clothing drive. The drive will last from January 27-February 7. Donation boxes will be found in the Dining Hall, Student Commons, Residence Life Office, St. Michael's, Holy Grounds, and Sacred Heart. Here are some items you can donate: canned food, dry cereal, blankets, clothing, hygiene products, and sleeping bags. Please email for more information!


Basilica of Mary, Help of Christians 419 Monastery Lane, Belmont

Accounting, Technology, and Data Honor Society Meeting

Stowe Hall 100 Belmont Mount Holly Rd, Belmont

Join the Accounting, Technology, and Data Honor Society for its first meeting of the semester on Thursday, January 23, at 11:30AM in Stowe Hall, Room 214. There will be FREE food and drinks!

The Future of Religious Freedom and Dignity in Health Care

Belmont Abbey College Campus 100 Belmont-Mt. Holly Road, Belmont

You are invited to this conversation on the future of health care policy from the perspective of human dignity. In advance of the March for Life, join us for a late lunch and an engaging discussion on the challenges and opportunities for the life, health, rights, and wellbeing of the American people in the health care system. The Future of Religious Freedom and Dignity in Health Care Thursday, January 23, 2025  |  2:30 – 4:00 pm RSVP: Panelists are: Andrew Kubrick, PhD – Deputy Director, National Center for Religious Freedom Education; Research Fellow in Bioethics and Medical Conscience, Religious Freedom Institute; and highly respected bioethicist Charles Camosy, PhD – Professor of Medical Humanities, Creighton University School of Medicine; holder of the Msgr. Curran Fellowship in Moral Theology at St. Joseph’s Seminary; and renown author Louis Brown Jr., J.D. – Executive Director, Christ Medicus Foundation; Board Member and Vice President of Public Policy, Catholic Health Care Leadership Alliance; and Associate Director, Center for Law and the Human Person, Catholic University School of Law Unprecedented attacks on religious freedom and medical conscience rights have endangered the health and wellbeing of individuals and families across America. In 2025 we have the opportunity to change course. Religious freedom is vital to protecting human dignity and personal rights. The exercise of religion is also essential to the health and flourishing of the human person.

Basilica Confessions

Basilica of Mary, Help of Christians 419 Monastery Lane, Belmont