An Interview with a Tour Guide: The Inside Scoop on All Things Belmont Abbey

Author: The Crusader Staff Writer, Hannah Schudlik
When interviewing Belmont Abbey’s lead tour guide, Max Buico, I got the inside scoop on secrets about the campus and what it’s like to work for the Admissions Office.
On top of being a student-athlete, President of the Campus Activities Board, and the lead tour guide for the Admissions office, junior Max Buico has a lot on his plate. Fortunately, I had a chance to sit down and talk with Max to discuss his job and why it matters to the college’s community.
Hannah: Why did you become a tour guide?
Max: I became a tour guide to show prospective students what makes the Abbey great!
Hannah: What is something you make sure to tell visitors during a tour?
Max: I always make sure to tell visitors about our excellent professors.
Hannah: Is there anything visitors tend to ask you or want to know about the school?
Max: Visitors like to know what students do in their free time. I usually tell them that students hang out in the quad, drive into Charlotte, and attend sporting events on campus.
Hannah: Do you have a favorite spot to show off during tours?
Max: The adoration chapel. It’s a very peaceful place to pray and think.
Although the chapel may be Max’s favorite spot on campus, tour guides must pay attention to their student’s interests. For instance, if the prospective student is an athlete, the tour guide will mention the Wheeler Center and other athletic resources.
Hannah: What is the best part about working for the Admissions Office?
Max: I enjoy working with students who care about the school.
Belmont Abbey’s tour guides are vital to creating a friendly and welcoming environment. Our tour guides are the first people to meet on campus for most visitors and prospective students. Max explains that there is an “additional pressure” to make a good first impression of the college. Fortunately, the Admissions Office trains and prepares each of its guides to welcome and assist new students.
This article was originally posted in the Fall 2022, Issue 2 of The Crusader Newspaper. Download the full issue.