Field By Day, Stage by Night

Field By Day, Stage by Night
July 7, 2024

Author: The Crusader Staff Writer Mary Kate Burke

Luke Thierfelder, a track and field junior, gives insight into what it is like to share equal involvement in athletics and arts. Luke has been training his voice and javelin throwing for roughly four years. He religiously devotes time daily to practicing opera and track; Luke says, “A typical vocal practice consists of thirty minutes of music theory and musicianship and thirty minutes of singing through repertoire. My days of athletic training often consist of lifting, throwing, and sprinting. On a given day, I would say my average training time is around four hours”. With this amount of extracurricular involvement, it is assumed that school would be placed on the back burner, but not in Luke’s case.

Regarding his work balance, he says, “A good structure and routine is the only way to manage my time and energy well. Adhering to a schedule and plan daily is critical in performing my responsibilities as well as I can”. This advice on work ethic can influence all student-athletes trying to train their body and mind with equal attention.

While giving academics their proper due, Luke has competed in opera and track, dramatically excelling in both. He entered an international voice competition in London and finished second. Thierfelder continued his winning streak at the 2023 conference championship, which promoted him to achieve the title “All American” in Division Two nationals this past year, all while being a full-time student. All this to say, Luke’s intentionality and discipline in balancing academics and passions is a testimony that it is possible, with goals, to integrate your endeavors into your professional life.

This article was originally posted in the Spring 2024, Issue 2 of The Crusader NewspaperDownload the full issue here.