Bachelor Degree (B.A.) in Educational Studies
Join an education program with a reputation for quality and excellence. Our experienced faculty present regularly at national conferences, and many of them are respected authors in the field. Thanks to small class sizes, you can actively engage with them and receive focused instruction. With formation in educational processes, human development, and communication skills, you will be well-prepared to promote people’s growth and development in a variety of ways.
Note: Educational Studies is not a teacher licensure program.
Possible career paths:
Museums, programs such as YMCA and Boys and Girls Clubs, nonprofits, educational services, graduate school in teacher education or other programs
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Average Salary For
Educational Studies Majors
In addition to the specific requirements listed in the section below, all students at the Abbey are required to earn credits in our core liberal arts curriculum.
The student must complete 31 hours of required major coursework, including an internship, with a minimum grade of “C-” in each.
In addition to the other Core Curriculum requirements, the following are specific core requirements:
ED 300: Introduction to Education
ED 303: Children’s Literature
ED 305: Introduction to the Exceptional Child
ED308: Perspectives in Education
ED 310W: Educational Dev. and Psychology
300-400 Level Psychology or Sociology course
BU 315W: Business Communication
ED 315: Arts Integration
ED 460: Internship and Seminar
FL 101: Financial Literacy
Other Courses: Educational Studies majors are encouraged to pursue a double major or at least one minor totaling 37-40 hours
*It is the student’s responsibility to verify that all degree requirements for graduation are fulfilled.
Students must complete an internship in addition to the other course requirements.
More about the experience
“Graduating from the Educational Studies program has been one of my proudest accomplishments. It is not the end of the road for me, but a beginning as it has opened so many doors that I once thought impossibly closed. I only graduated four months ago, and I have already been accepted into a Master’s degree program. I have also been granted a higher position by my employer. My experience at the Abbey has allowed me to gain confidence in my own abilities. Every time I felt overwhelmed in classes, a member of the faculty would be there to lift me up and renew my focus on my goals. They often did this unknowingly. I will forever be grateful for each member of the Educational Studies faculty at Belmont Abbey. Each one of them has a gift for teaching and I was very fortunate to learn from them!”