As we look ahead to the NFL playoffs, the medical emergency of Buffalo Bills player Damar Hamlin has sparked many questions when it comes to the world of sports. In episode 3 of Conversatio, President Thierfelder, Coach John Keating, and Adam Smith, Belmont Abbey’s Head Athletic Trainer, sit down to discuss sport, virtue, and truth.
The Connection Between Beauty and Learning
In episode 2 of the Conversatio podcast, Dr. Joseph Wysocki joins Jeremy Tait, CEO of the Classic Learning Test, and discusses the connection between beautiful architecture and learning, and how our surroundings help to elevate us to God.
Culture and Guns
In episode 1 of Conversatio’s second season, Dr. Michael Watson and Dr. Julia Beeman sit down to discuss the role of guns in our culture today and how to navigate this hot topic as Catholics.
Election Integrity
In episode 12 of the Conversatio podcast, Dr. Mary Imparato, Chair of the Politics Department at Belmont Abbey College and Youthan Love, student and President of the College Republicans join Hans von Spakovsky, Director of the Heritage Foundation’s Election Law Reform Initiative to discuss election integrity in America today.
The Benefits of a Catholic-based Nursing Curriculum
In episode 11 of the Conversatio podcast, Dr. Carolyn Harmon and Dr. David Williams explore how a catholic based nursing curriculum helps prepare future nurses for how to manage situations ethically and with compassion.