An Award-winning publication
Agora is Belmont Abbey College’s student literary magazine, published yearly during spring semester. A call for submissions of poetry, short fiction, graphic art, and photography goes out to the entire Abbey community and a student board of editors decides what works will be published. SEE full Submission Guidelines
Prizes are also awarded for the best submission in the categories of written work (poetry and stories) and art (graphic art and photography). The winners are determined by Agora’s student editors. Over the school year, Agora staff also holds several “Poetry, Song, and Story Evenings” open to the entire Belmont Abbey community.
Our Agora literary and art journal is submitted to the North Carolina College Media Association each fall to be entered into statewide college media contests. Agora is judged among other literary journals submitted by North Carolina colleges and universities of 6500 and fewer students. We have been submitting to the contest since 2010. Since that time, we have won many awards: first prizes for poetry and fiction, third place for best of show, and many honorable mentions.
Agora Staff
Members of Agora staff gain self-confidence by serving as MC’s for events; reading works of poetry, fiction, and non-literary works aloud; and performing musical pieces in public. They also develop real-world publication skills by evaluating submissions for awards and possible publication; editing selected works; planning layouts, evaluating works of art for publication; and working closely with the faculty advisor and copy editor for final editing prior to publication. Agora exemplifies our Benedictine hallmark of “community” as the staff includes freshmen through seniors across many disciplines.
To learn more about us, come see us at the Crusader Involvement Fair, attend one of our events, or contact us at