Minor in Entrepreneurship
The minor in Entrepreneurship will prepare you to successfully launch your own business venture. You’ll take courses that teach you how to establish yourself in the marketplace, follow legal procedures, and develop a marketing and financial strategy. Enhancing your business studies, or other major, with this minor is a great way to embark on your career path with confidence and integrity.
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All courses in this minor must be taken at Belmont Abbey College and a minimum grade of “C” must be earned in each course required for the minor. For students seeking to double-minor in Business-related minors, each minor must have a minimum of 9 credit hours distinct or exclusive to that minor. Those nine credits cannot count toward any other minor.
Course Requirements:
All of the following courses:
ET 300: The Entrepreneur
ET 302: Launching New Venture
ET 303: Financing New Ventures
Business Management majors must also take the following two courses:
ET 401: Social Ventures
ET 402: Product Innovation and Development
Students not majoring in Business Management must take:
BU 412: Legal Environment of Business
And one of the following courses
ET 401: Social Ventures
ET 402: Product Innovation and Development
Note: All courses must be taken at Belmont Abbey College.