Minor in Psychology
Psychology is the scientific study of the human mind and its functions. A minor in Psychology at Belmont Abbey College can give you the tools needed to better understand the mind so you can more effectively interact with and assist others. Psychology is an effective resource for a variety of careers, including social work, teaching, law enforcement, and human resources.
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Course Requirements:
PC 201 (Introduction to Psychology) and fifteen (15) additional credit hours of Psychology courses, as approved by the department chair. PC 201 may also satisfy a core curriculum requirement. The preponderance of the credit hours for the minor must be taken at Belmont Abbey College. At least two of the following courses must be included in those 15 credits:
- PC 301 Developmental Psychology
- PC 305 Biological Psychology
- PC 306 Cognitive Psychology
- PC 308 Theories of Personality
- PC 313 Abnormal Psychology
Other Requirements:
Students must earn at least a C- in all courses taken for the minor with a cumulative GPA in the minor of not less than a C average (2.0). An internship (PC 4 is not required, but is encouraged and counts towards the minor.