
Belmont Abbey Chorus

Find your voice: MU 110 students earn 1 credit; all others come and sing for fun!

The Lopez Tabor Duo

Basilica of Mary, Help of Christians 419 Monastery Lane, Belmont, NC

The duo that hails from Venezuela, returns to the Abbey having been here several times since their first performance twenty years ago. The program includes music by Brahms, Albeniz, William Grant Still and South American composers.

Click here to learn more.


Basilica of Mary, Help of Christians 419 Monastery Lane, Belmont, NC


Basilica of Mary, Help of Christians 419 Monastery Lane, Belmont, NC


Basilica of Mary, Help of Christians 419 Monastery Lane, Belmont, NC

Confessions are available in the Basilica from 9:00AM-10:30AM, Wednesday and Friday.

Chapel Mass

St. Joseph Adoration Chapel


Basilica of Mary, Help of Christians 419 Monastery Lane, Belmont, NC

Basilica Confessions

Basilica of Mary, Help of Christians 419 Monastery Lane, Belmont, NC