Home > Academics > Faculty > Kevin Woods
The Catholic College of the South
Chairs the Sports Management Department, which provides students with a holistic and liberal arts education with concentration in sports marketing, sports facilities and events management, and organizational theory and leadership in sports.
Sport management pedagogy and engaging classes – particularly emerging technologies used in the sport industry.
With an Oculus Quest 2 virtual reality device on his head, trying to figure out new teaching techniques in the metaverse.
Cunningham, T., & Beekwilder. (November 2022). Lessons learned: A multi-year pedagogical
approach to teaching motorsport history with undergraduate students. (Oral/Visual
Presentation). Michael R. Argetsinger Symposium on International Motor Racing History.
Watkins Glen, NY.
Cunningham, T., Catchpole, D., & Brown, M. (November 2020). Lesson learned: Five year
service learning project in collaboration with municipal parks and recreation department.
(Oral/Visual Presentation). NCAAHPERD-Sport Management State Convention.
Catchpole, D., & Cunningham (November 2020). Assessment driven curriculum shift: Using a
career planning approach within a sport management senior seminar course. (Oral/Visual
Presentation). NCAAHPERD-Sport Management State Convention.
Hall, S., Marciani, L., Phillips, D., & Cunningham, T. (2009). Spectator perceptions of security
management at a NASCAR (National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing) Event. The Sport Journal, 12, (1).
-Strength and Conditioning: Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS), National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA).
-Sport Security and Safety: Security and Safety Exercise and Evaluation Training, Threat and Risk Assessment Training, Prevention and Response to Suicide Bombing Incidents Training, -Incident Response to Terrorist Bombings Training, and emergency Response Coordination.
-Sport Management Pedagogy
-Experiential Learning Activities for Students
-Sport Video Production & Broadcasting (Livestream Engineering)
-Interests: Sport Technology, IoT, Augmented Reality, & Virtual Reality