Minor in Theatre Arts
Whether you are passionate about the theatre arts or you want to intensify your understanding of the complexities of human nature, you can achieve your goals with this minor. Through both theoretical and practical work in the dramatic arts, you will nourish your mind and spirit, develop a deep understanding of the human person, and comprehend the beauty of God as expressed through imaginative creation within the framework of theatre.
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Course Requirements:
TA 100: Musical Theatre Dance Technique
TA 101: Applied Theatre
TA 108: Introduction to Theatre Arts
TA 110: Introduction to Stagecraft
TA 112: Theatre Appreciation
TA 150: Acting I
TA 200: History of Dance
TA 205: Greek Theatre
TA 210: Lighting and Sound Design
TA 225: The American Musical
TA 230: Musical Theatre Performance
TA 250: Acting II
TA 275: Introduction to Stage Combat/Movement
TA 280: Voice and Diction
TA 310: Set Design
TA 320: Acting Shakespeare
TA 350: Introduction to Directing
TA 410: Stage Management
*It is the student’s responsibility to verify that all degree requirements for graduation are fulfilled.
Strengthen skills in performance, organizational development, and technical skills
Work closely with the Abbey Players, the drama group at Belmont Abbey College
Gain a heightened appreciation for live theatre